Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Enhancing Growth Of A Calamansi Plant

Things at school are as always: I'm barbaric at times, and other really bad for comment. Vivo tired and try to sleep whenever I have five or ten minutes to spare. Although it is a failed, obviously. But hey, is part of high school, I reckon I am. And now I notice the difference in demand between the secular and the primary. Still, I get used to, and did not sack any teacher because of not wanting sanctions or any teacher I have checked.
And if I have to talk about something else, I can go to tell you that (in my opinion) sent me the shit you tell someone something in your photo. I feel super asshole. I think it's just knowing he is not interested at all my comments and that basically there is not much for him, and I am your past. Anyway, I took a chance, I do not know how. I broke my rule of "no show despair, sadness or need me I once went wrong" and I put "what fachero." Why? Because in that picture came out beautiful and it is too. The worst thing is that it really is and most of them. So you can imagine that no, will interest my comment. But hey, do not know, nothing ventured nothing gained. I'll take that sentence and have to be what has to be. If after all, comment and be honest not a sin. Bah, I dunno. And if I were, I do not care, frankly.
I have not a high level of inspiration, I have no desire to absolutely nothing, and the truth is that people sometimes fills me patience, and ultimately do more seguido.No many intolerant know if I am, or if people are really very boluda.

Seize which fortunately does not take much to be done the week.
that ends well and good on Thursday, beautiful people!

Monday, March 28, 2011

What Happend With Kelly Family

Walker salesmen or cure

We spend our lives pretending that we know and appreciate others, and as we never get at all that people see clearly what we think of ourselves, just putting our hopes for the future, hoping that someday find someone who understands, who knows how we think and why we act, we never know misunderstand and take time when needed. A person who is aware of our weaknesses but not explode, you know how painful the wounds that life has brought us and cover them with exquisite care and silk bandages, so that healing go alone, without being seen.

And as usual, what we want is not what we need. Because our friends (and our spouses) are not to read us the mind and act exactly as we would like to do so, in the most comfortable and enjoyable for ourselves. Often clean the wound, although it hurts to remove the dirt and disinfect it, even though the alcohol sting, we help heal much better than the softer more caring bandages and pampering.

If we want to understand, let's try to explain. If we want to know, let's try to treat others without warning or suspicion, and accept criticism when we receive them instead of blaming the incomprehension of others. A friend is no less a friend for not knowing what's wrong or how to fix it without tell him. Or give you bad news, open your eyes, tell you what I do not want to hear, or even, sometimes, cause you pain.
People are not puppets magically appear only when needed and do only what we prefer to do. Sometimes what more we can help requires an effort that seems excessive, or requires us to give up things they cherish. Sometimes help is needed to deal with things we would rather ignore.

Sometimes you do not need to put bandages but take away, let the wound air out and the skin is stronger. And then, when to pull, when it touches your teeth and start tightening the crust, when you understand what friends are for.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tooth Whitening Blisters

Empty of ideas, tired of being a Sunday and not wanting to go to the doctor tomorrow. Media angry, but I'm not sure why. I think the air on Sunday, me bitter to me and several other people too.
Things are as always, every day is the same, and I was bored. Every day I keep most things but not required and is always all the same. So I'm not sure what to talk.
My idea was to talk about how ridiculous it is that people will say "Copat and says 'I like' in my profile picture," because I find them totally desperate to reach the ten 'I like'. But no, I do not know me repented and erased what little he had written for them not going to like me to make an entry dedicated to it.
And since when I write what you want? I do not know, never in reality. But I do not know, maybe I would even like my own entry, so do not I spent.
also wanted to complain about the odious it is to know that tomorrow I have to go to school. Say, four days without school and have to go back, what bullshit.
opened a world of memories when I wanted to go "chat history" and I realized as time passes. Of those feelings were anchored at the time and I missed few smiles to read all the stories January February.
Anyway, I grabbed the usual nostalgia and Sunday slump makes me want to be Friday.

Have a great Monday, and I hope they pass quickly the week, I say, so they can rest. re

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Birthday Card 18 Year Old

I rested, because I slept two hours of nap. So, as I do not know what to do, I'm going to start writing ...
First of all, I hated going to school in the rain, I hated it. Why I do not know if I wet my hair and was uglier than normal, or because it might cause the act and did not lose time, or because when it rains it's best to stay in bed like crazy eating or sleeping well covered up the nose. Still, it could have been worse, so I'm not complaining.

Second, we met a month since Paramore came to Argentina, and the only reason, I started to mourn yesterday while listening to "Where the lines overlap .

What downturn that gripped me. I'm dying to see them again .
Third, nothing I do not know, I'm tired, very little improvement, I have bipolar constant attacks.
Ah! And tomorrow I see my friends, oh yeah. I miss them too.
Well, I dunno, but nothing came to summarize my day because right now I have nothing better to do. So I guess in a while I go to bed watching TV and drinking coffee or tea, or something, I dunno.

[ Day memory.
That never forget, that not return to happen. ]

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Text Seasons Greetings

Something is happening Chezzz

.... If you are losing the written level, I know.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sneezing Soon After Getting Up Morning

're inside me and out I do not know where you left off.

Tokio Hotel Knitting Patterns

I am very tired. And all eh?, Everything. If you need
elementary my friends, to get up early, being in the computed without knowing what the hell do you have to go to school, to banking Conchuda language, and practical act of English, acordame having several things, not having time to myself, being sleepy at all times of the week, the hours that the school was slow to pass me, the master of musical language, for me, being so hung , to be so bipolar, to feel empty. Nothing, I do not know, everything. Like I have wanted to disconnect a touch of the world. I feel very numb to everything.
I do not know if it's the fresh air from high school, and all new materials, or the simple fact that I am well and an overnight I got tired of everything, or the routine of shit I'll have to play every day of my life.
Well, never mind. Maybe better or maybe not. Maybe it is temporary or may last me six months or year-round. Whatnot.
swear I would love to raise a few things today. I really do not know exactly how to do it ...
I feel bad for one of my closest friends. It seems that my best friend, who is your best friend is making you very ill and I understand perfectly because at some not too distant past I spent something like that, and it is not pretty. And I would love to be with him, embrace him and help him.
'm wrong sometimes, often. I have a great day and night long to mourn as the best. And it sucks that I do not help anything.

Actually, I raise a million things, but do not want to bore you, well, I do not like I'm writing.

Whatever. che Have nice week.

Instan Lock License 2010

Though you can see, just think of you.

If you say you love my lips playing with words that are repeated and believe it is a game that seems to have little credibility, you're wrong in thinking that if I repeat something is just to tell you something nice. Not so, there are many things you can say but poque avoid saying anything that basically what you want to scream, does not make sense I think, if I love you I love you. No reason to olcultarte that although can not see you, just think of you.
Every way that I can to tell you I love you, do not forget to do so, forgive me if I get you tired, because love is not much that you change me and to maybe rescue a world where many values \u200b\u200bwere still head but still in it, only now it is different because you're beside me.
understand if you remain silent, you may not know it, your eyes betray your feelings and prevent arms drop from my hands before, it is not easy for me to live with a conclusion of your love, not this bad or not ask you to do more for me. This is a test for both from Japan will be provided in communication with you. I will miss you but will only be one week. I am already reached tkm ...
That shit is happening ... is not the same.

Wednesday March 9, 2011

Cotinine Test In India

Wandering in circles Hitting bottom

Sometimes we have to walk far to return to the starting point, and run hard to stay on the site. And when we realize the steps that we thought we were moving away brings us to the door we thought we had closed behind us. And we understand that we never entirely through that door, we're just around it.

The road may have been exhausting, yet have led us to where we were. That's not to say that it was time and wasted effort, because in the meantime we have learned many things that we can not yet be aware, and least one lesson and not forget: you can not move forward without change, without leaving things behind, without having crossed the threshold, knowingly or unawares. Can not get far if we remain the same.

does not even know exactly where to go. But to walk certain paths requires more than putting one foot before the other or follow the footsteps of those before us. Requires a willingness and a totally committed effort. This is not to make a cross on a map and follow the straightest line to reach it without paying attention to anything that is not our goal. It is not looking for someone to take her hand and take us away from the rocks so they do not stumble with them. This is not to get carried away by each gust of wind and change direction every time something surprising or dazzle us, or running after mirages that appear promising golden dreams within our hand but as long as the cords are a little further. The important thing is that this road is personal. it our way, with all its turns and its crossroads.

And if these riots will lead back to the door you thought your back, do not fret, and understand that maybe you needed something you learned in your wanderings to have the strength and courage to cross.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Confiscated Provisional License

Cold chills me, invetiblamente, but somehow I'm warm inside. My feet are bare and my desire to follow are defeated by vague that never left my body. And the fear of being who I want and not be without stability and support.
I long to find that I lost and I left a huge void. So I close my eyes and I rise up hooked on a cloud. A cloud of gray rather gives me a bad feeling.
I enter a world in which stories are mixed and I do not recognize anyone. But I'm still up, and I still seek. I am looking with glazed eyes and a feeling of suffocation and despair enormous. Soon, my eyes fancied that girl struggled walking down the main street. That he had looked worried and was observed by the rest. With coffee in hand and warm up your neck, keep running and occasionally spits out a "sorry" to push people did both. After walking several blocks ended sitting on the floor of a ghost village in which the only sound was the cry that seemed to be eternal. His face was frozen but his tears moistened completely. All her pain is reflected in her tears.
it just needed to know that I lost, inevitably the day I ran from my house just to mourn quietly. The vacuum of my life is for you and who complements me now disappeared.
And frankly, I'm in free fall into nothingness. I feel ready to mourn an entire ocean. I feel as empty as ever. I sit on the edge of the abyss without a hand that I hold or voice and words that encourage me to continue to walk strong and balanced. I have no voice or energy. I have no desire and I ran out of hope. Reset my smile and I am as insignificant as it used to be before I met you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Carnival Cruise Many Topless Women?

How to escape a dreamer

There was one day I realized all
the planet was a huge mess of green and pink dress
sometimes try to dream a little less to live a little longer but look beyond
without clinging to the past is difficult
for someone who walks where I
on the ledge of magical realism
, of \u200b\u200bsanity.

From unconsciousness becomes a kiss, a hug, a gentle touch
a man who calls me from afar, from the very dark
where crazy laugh, cry lovers, the Once
eternity love their sleep turns to me, like a homing pigeon to its recipient inconsistently
my body again weaves illusions
boundless stretch my arms, I open my heart
woman who forgot her intelligence when loneliness
you to the bone .

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Use Blixtex Expired

BAD LOVE (Draft)

Many friends and foes me commented on this singular issue, I have suggested comment and create something related and I can not think of anything xD. In the following probably think the same and say that the worst of love ... It's not reciprocated, I tell you no! You know how bad is the meaning of love and not say, love and not express it in the epilogue of losing something you had and did not know to appreciate. This is bad love.
A friend very, very nice it inside and out, does not have an affair some really beautiful, very happy that she always I see tells me how nice it is love, well, I agree with it because I am also in love. She told me one day walking with philosophical tone, "You know, I think the key of love is not giving 100%, as well can send the heart. " I smiled and could not manage to refute anything, just smiled and he let out a soft, "maybe you're right." She is so happy and told me about him, as it is, its strengths, its flaws his desire to get to grandma next to him, his hobbies, each stuffed nice if he had given just over them.
... Today I am taking with him and see someone crying, repeating feel lonely and loveless.
H: Her lips are only echoes of words of love: give it my all, my time, my desire, my love, my money, my tears, my body, my life trying to convey how I really feel but I can not more. Know is not the first time that I tell him how happy that makes me and I would love to reach her, but Grandpa always gives me the same understanding. "We are very well, I love you and you to me. You never know what can happen later, we're fine, do not believe ... "
D: maybe he felt pressured, but yesterday ...
H: February 14 Yesterday was my acoustic guitar strive to afford to buy those silver necklaces with half heart each, but was upset because he had previously commented that we were going to the movies but the money I was in the collars. necklaces Damn ... I can not help you can give this letter please.
[do not remember anything just to try to read the letter but was stuck, my mother told me that a young man knocked on the door and from weaving to sleep and he left.]
I could not tell my friend if she loves him, his strange way of loving in the background was the most honest, cheesy. I could not speak, I feel bad because accomplice went public today something I did not that day.
"You know I write because I can not do it in person as I am very weak and will probably end up crying in front of you and once again tell you I love you and I can not live without you, I will embrace and tell me not to do it in front of your neighbors. I love your way, thank you for so many beautiful moments that pass by your side, I just want you to be happy, I just brought you problems with your siblings, parents and friends. University makes a move and will work with my sponsor. Take care if, indeed remember you forgot your key ring in my house, I'm being to feel, I wanted have something of yours for you is not returned, sorry. Always thinking of you, I love you. "
Today I saw her hiding her sadness, greet and comment.
" he will not abandon you, note the blog. Bye. "

PS: Not everything written has to be real, get help to build stories novels, life itself, really everything. Just let me write that relaxes me, greetings.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jessie Andrews Free Stream


As will retrace a path that had never returns, and avoid consuming a candle whose wick reached the final. Like wanting to give to the poor every dish that tasted, and see a paradise that humanity has devastated his hand, like a hug wonder we are not going to receive, and feel regret. No no state of purity that you do to one side, when innocence was outraged. Take the silhouette of a man who stayed away, as the trains will not return to the station. Run deep memories of a time as the power destroyed, the attempt to run back is as impossible as in a dream where your feet can not be off the ground. It hurts a smile erased in the corner of the accused, beat his hands because his caresses were neglected. The past is a dark place, hanging in the chest, while longing for their golden years in the soul. A constant contradiction between sweet and sour sheltered by two hikers who loved without end, until there was no forgiveness of them reached, and its streets are stained a black color as hatred. And impotence is as big as the sun when not obscured by the moon shine, knowing that if they came together in an eclipse would achieve a blaze unknown. Like trying to fly without wings, the body can not leave her quiet, as the desire that is about to pop in and feel regret.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Correct Way To Put On A Steep Tech

Sometimes you retain a firm rock, or a helping hand holds you before you lose foot begin to sink. Sometimes, in free fall, find a branch that grab you, or a foothold to climb.

Other times, however, the only way to gain momentum is to hit bottom.