Unfortunately I am moving in less than a month, probably. No one knows exactly the neighborhood, you probably move me to a house in a neighborhood that borders the mine, where I live now. Given the circumstances at times wish anclarme to this house and this neighborhood and spit in mudanza.No know if because my neighborhood is the best or my house is the best, that's not necessarily. My neighbors are not the most educated and do not fall too well me nor I them, there is a non-noisy streets and quiet where you can hear some cars just happen from time to time ... for nothing is quite the opposite in fact. But this is my neighborhood. I live here since I have memory, basically. For my first year I do not remember, Call it so this is my neighborhood and is always where I lived all my young life. Here I went through a million things. I walked thousands of streets with my friends, sometimes to go buy something, or alone, with melancholy in me and wanting to relive old times on certain streets. On the streets of Paternal. Everything in these streets where I grew up, where I played, I walked, I fuck, I ran, I cried, and millions of other things. So ... How old is my aim to let go of this neighborhood? What need?
In fact, it is absurd that pointing a finger at my old whether or not the fault of all Conchucos not paying rent their homes around here. I'm not interested that no one wants to rent out or have not just houses or PH I do not care for me is to blame for all and hatred for all those who have rented a house here. I envy deeply and more insane.
addition, the sad and obvious that this is going to be away from the stage where I lived a million things. I will leave this house as cops although it has only room for me and my brother and one for my mother, and has a tiny kitchen and bathroom re brown super awful nauseating, is part of my life. At about having to distance sumémosle most of my friends, spend more money collectively to approach the neighborhood, having to adapt to another home, another neighborhood, neighbors, other streets, learn it and know transits, the baby take the new place and adopt it as home, shed all the bullshit good and bad here, cartonero that asshole, drunk who keeps bitching all the streets and traveling with her three or four dogs and his cart full of cardboard, having to leave behind the square where my afternoons were formed from my eleven years, Avenue where many pizadas and gave all that running, and, of course, be further from the school and travel to the banks tomorrow. Among other things, obviously. We will not give more reasons for Malena feels sad and melancholy, it gives.
Well, whatever ... this is not a good time. Not now. But for him having to be conscious that I have the days in this PH and probable and certainly in the neighborhood. College
again, and besides, new home and new neighborhood? Gives no idiot.
At last Friday madreee bitch! Have great weekend.
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