Looking to the future is good. Allows us to hope and make plans, spurs us and teaches us to foresee the consequences of our actions. But it can also block us, when a prospective barely glimpsed event begins to take more time in our heads than it should, and we are so focused on what may come, we forget this, and sometimes even overlooked keys that can change drastically now expected
As a child I read a little story by an anonymous Greek who was about a farmer who, tired of his wife and daughters were hopelessly dumb, is going to see the world, only to eventually return to discover that the world had more people stupid than them. And all the nonsense that encotnraba on his journey had something in common: they were people who were unable to see the reality of what they had before, and was terrified and made decisions or looking foolish rebuscadísimas solutions to very simple to solve.
and set off, after a few hours came to another town and, as I passed a house, he saw a woman with a child's crib, and on the wall, an ax.
- my poor boy! "Moaned the woman. Killed by an ax ...!
- Why are you crying, my good woman? Asked the farmer.
- Can not you see that ax will fall over and kill my child? And I still ask why I cry!
- This is more silly than mine! "Said the farmer. What if you give me unless your son so sad fate?
- Everything you want ... my whole life if it's something ...!
The farmer picked up the crib and took her to the other end of the room saying
"Look, my good woman, there is no reason to cry ...
The distraught mother gave him a good amount of money in gratitude, and the man continued his journey.
How many times I feared the worst without being aware that if I could help it arches its to analyze the current situation without fear and to find the point where act, here and now? How many times we are stymied by a situation or a problem without realizing that the solution is within our mano?
El futuro es lo que hacemos, lo que vamos creando con nuestros actos: no es algo que temer, pero tampoco un indeterminado momento color de rosa donde por arte de magia todo será mucho mejor.
Nuestro futuro será el que nos construyamos, hagámoslo bien.
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