Friday, May 20, 2011

Should I Refrain From Work With Chest Infection

Unfortunately I am moving in less than a month, probably. No one knows exactly the neighborhood, you probably move me to a house in a neighborhood that borders the mine, where I live now. Given the circumstances at times wish anclarme to this house and this neighborhood and spit in mudanza.No know if because my neighborhood is the best or my house is the best, that's not necessarily. My neighbors are not the most educated and do not fall too well me nor I them, there is a non-noisy streets and quiet where you can hear some cars just happen from time to time ... for nothing is quite the opposite in fact. But this is my neighborhood. I live here since I have memory, basically. For my first year I do not remember, Call it so this is my neighborhood and is always where I lived all my young life. Here I went through a million things. I walked thousands of streets with my friends, sometimes to go buy something, or alone, with melancholy in me and wanting to relive old times on certain streets. On the streets of Paternal. Everything in these streets where I grew up, where I played, I walked, I fuck, I ran, I cried, and millions of other things. So ... How old is my aim to let go of this neighborhood? What need?
In fact, it is absurd that pointing a finger at my old whether or not the fault of all Conchucos not paying rent their homes around here. I'm not interested that no one wants to rent out or have not just houses or PH I do not care for me is to blame for all and hatred for all those who have rented a house here. I envy deeply and more insane.
addition, the sad and obvious that this is going to be away from the stage where I lived a million things. I will leave this house as cops although it has only room for me and my brother and one for my mother, and has a tiny kitchen and bathroom re brown super awful nauseating, is part of my life. At about having to distance sumémosle most of my friends, spend more money collectively to approach the neighborhood, having to adapt to another home, another neighborhood, neighbors, other streets, learn it and know transits, the baby take the new place and adopt it as home, shed all the bullshit good and bad here, cartonero that asshole, drunk who keeps bitching all the streets and traveling with her three or four dogs and his cart full of cardboard, having to leave behind the square where my afternoons were formed from my eleven years, Avenue where many pizadas and gave all that running, and, of course, be further from the school and travel to the banks tomorrow. Among other things, obviously. We will not give more reasons for Malena feels sad and melancholy, it gives.
Well, whatever ... this is not a good time. Not now. But for him having to be conscious that I have the days in this PH and probable and certainly in the neighborhood. College
again, and besides, new home and new neighborhood? Gives no idiot.

At last Friday madreee bitch! Have great weekend.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Signs Of Period Coming On

But do not feel easy, I feel that confusion is leaving, I feel that the cold becomes warm, and I do not see a way out of anything. I do not know exactly how to calm myself, and I understand. Not discovered how to give in to certain things, and I have no idea what the answer to my question. I do not make up my mind and still do not know what I feel. Crying is still a visit that comes without warning and usually sincere smile and sometimes just makeup. The mirror is still clear to me who my external reality and the words of others are still retains that my head for days. Keep that tangle of ideas and things that cause a bit of sadness. Memories remain from my memory I always spit in the face to remind me that everything is an irreversible change and I have to learn to deal with this for more rare that I feel.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Area Of Segment Of Circle

The shadow of the doorway

There are doors that once opened, can never close again.

we pretend are not there, move the bolt, before piling all that stuff happen to us, even sealed. But there is, as much as we want to convince us that there is only one wall, the awareness that there is a step, a path, an output or input. We are overlooking the other hand, we have glimpsed what we may be amazed, surprised or as scary, but we know that is real and it's there. Once that knowledge
installed in us, we can not deny it, only ocultárnoslo, rationalize it or lie. At worst, set ourselves up as guardians of something that does not belong, trying to let go others, when we see all too willing, the place to which we do not want or dare not go.

not even have to go through the door, if imposed on us much respect. It takes a special kind of courage to decide to stand. But you also have to be lucid enough to recognize that our decision is that the door is there, open. Or the shadow of the doorway, conditioning our lives more than we ever could have done the very threshold.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kate Grounds Real Name

Well, no, let's say I'm bored, tired and dormidísima. So I set out to write and I have nothing productive to do. And do not ask me to go to read the book of history or terminate the guest language, because I have no desire and a little know to read or read tomorrow in history is not going to be fine because the matter I do embolism, so do not do much. And it depresses me to know that tomorrow I have my first two hours with Romina, is the most boring. Step
tell you that I decided to eat less as of today. Beyond that I do not ever have faith with the topic of food and always end up failing in the attempt, I will continue trying to lose three kilos at least. Is that these days I much as others see me fat and I can not help but get the idea fixed in my mind that if you do not stop now I will not ever do. Well, yes, I am a bit paranoid, but it's like I do not look good, and I want to change that a bit. Although the doctor told me I'm fine with my weight, I'm not interested.

you do not know if they're going through, but to me almost every week for me are going super fast. The other day I thought well, and the next thing I knew it I was almost half of the year. So, do you understand? Things went very fast and I Aviv until the other day.
On one side is good, who knows. It's like I start the week and briefly came to Thursday at 23:46 pm and it's almost Friday, have you seen? As it is cool in a way. In addition, the school ... passed quickly and that, I suppose, is the most redeemable of this.

Anyway, I'm going. I have nothing more to say and still have not anything productive to hacer.Además, spent two hours since I wrote this and I never got to do the speaking. I'm a disaster.
Bye. While ending on Tuesday and have a nice Wednesday.

Friday, May 13, 2011

I Am Having Yellow Urine

I can definitely say it was (too) is worth not going to be late for school.
other words, things started badly for the last module that came and went in physical education, which took me away for not going "with the right clothes" when the two Conchuda never told that we would not have theoretical classes. And actually, in truth, the whole morning was a real shit.
Then when I got out of PE I decided that I sucked an egg choir, initiation and guitar. So I hooked the headphones, and went walking to get to my house and sleep mourn long time.
But today I was lucky and I met my friends from other schools. And although not planned, I went with them to the Mac Donals, I walked, I laughed, I fuck on the phone, I talked about everything, and ate pizza at five in the afternoon. And honestly ... long time since I felt so good, so calm, so comfortable and so happy. It was a relief and I felt like last year. I felt I was in seventh and that things were super easy, which on Friday was based on seeing my friends and not have to meet any mandatory time in the afternoon. I was back where I was, and well, I was carefree, I had forgotten about my concerns, the school, my own problems with me and the rest. Stating that attacked me at a time notalgia. But getting that, everything was perfect.
Ah, I happened to mention that I'm going to see Sum 41 and that makes me very well, jojo.
Have a nice Good Friday and the start of the weekend.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Naughty America Megaviedo

The future begins in this

Looking to the future is good. Allows us to hope and make plans, spurs us and teaches us to foresee the consequences of our actions. But it can also block us, when a prospective barely glimpsed event begins to take more time in our heads than it should, and we are so focused on what may come, we forget this, and sometimes even overlooked keys that can change drastically now expected

As a child I read a little story by an anonymous Greek who was about a farmer who, tired of his wife and daughters were hopelessly dumb, is going to see the world, only to eventually return to discover that the world had more people stupid than them. And all the nonsense that encotnraba on his journey had something in common: they were people who were unable to see the reality of what they had before, and was terrified and made decisions or looking foolish rebuscadísimas solutions to very simple to solve.

and set off, after a few hours came to another town and, as I passed a house, he saw a woman with a child's crib, and on the wall, an ax.
- my poor boy! "Moaned the woman. Killed by an ax ...!
- Why are you crying, my good woman? Asked the farmer.
- Can not you see that ax will fall over and kill my child? And I still ask why I cry!
- This is more silly than mine! "Said the farmer. What if you give me unless your son so sad fate?
- Everything you want ... my whole life if it's something ...!
The farmer picked up the crib and took her to the other end of the room saying
"Look, my good woman, there is no reason to cry ...
The distraught mother gave him a good amount of money in gratitude, and the man continued his journey.

How many times I feared the worst without being aware that if I could help it arches its to analyze the current situation without fear and to find the point where act, here and now? How many times we are stymied by a situation or a problem without realizing that the solution is within our mano?
El futuro es lo que hacemos, lo que vamos creando con nuestros actos: no es algo que temer, pero tampoco un indeterminado momento color de rosa donde por arte de magia todo será mucho mejor.
Nuestro futuro será el que nos construyamos, hagámoslo bien.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Women Vergina Gallery

hope on Monday that falls on a weekend, and it is completed.
take advantage of it, I did basically nothing. Nothing but sleep, watch TV, use the computer and tea. What kind of advantage this weekend is that? By god, I'm an idiot.
Anyway, today I get to walk on Sunday with who knows how much accumulated work all week and my depression prior to Monday, post-Saturday or whatever you call it. My anger at myself for not knowing as it should take the weekend and pass enclosed eating and doing nothing, practically growing up. So no, I have little to say except that, I'm an asshole to that missed the weekend of hands and is now looking desperate though he knows he must wait five days (a lie, it's still weekend but for me it is over).
Well, let's put that you're bored at home, perhaps task to do, and no one on msn (I mean when I say 'no' means 'no interest'), then as you went on Saturday thinking about how sad it is to step into the school and the materials and teachers fucking there, you got to talk about the shit that each subject in your school. But as I have no desire to enjoy myself writing about the repulsive it is to have a copy that is complete math or how boring it is to study for history or the time it takes you to a sheet of practical activities rather leave it for a day in which really feel that the only thing you can do is go into detail of everything they give me at school.
Chau, I'll do anything and have a bad time (Why such pessimism?).
Have nice Sunday.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Apcellular Respiration Questions And Answers

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fuel Consumption Generator

I say You Should Do It Differently, I dont n ecessarily agree. Stand up! Sit down! Be nice! Did ya hear me ask for your advice?
Dont bother t rying to tell me your Beliefs.
Dont want to, k now which way its good to be.  Do this!  Do that!  On track!  
Do me a favor and dont talk back !
Round and round, b ut the conversation always ends where it began .
Round and round, a nd I need a vacation .  My god,  Ive had it from you!
Shut up!   Dont want to hear your voice.
Shut up!   Im sick of all the noise.
Theres nothing you can say to me , s o get away from me .
S h u t u p !
Blah blah , blah blah , blah blah , blah blah .
Thats what i t sounds like you said to me.  You nag and you brag and I gag.
You must h ave better things that you can do.   What you want?  What I need?  Oh please!  I think you get off o n hearing yourself speak.
Dont want to be polite.  Its messed up .   How you always think you're right.
Theres nothing you can say , hats t gonna change the way I am.

Shut up!

Fake Community Service Signatures

naturally dead - live

are carved solitude in the woods
a tree trunk forgot your
a blackbird warm at night dreaming of freedom we

marks a remote time

crossed by the moon walk with the sun, the pace of its rebirth
and rivers start to the horizon where they hope and resist

are the future, the worst cuts of the past that nobody
quality distinguishes land
crying tired of so much banality
each one is a wolf struggling in the snow
to reach the heights of the mountain of greed

light differs when we reach the mills
when we forget how valuable this death
and we call the real names with a mouth full of fish

are leftovers, what is missing
the cry that echoes in the wind rushes
fallen utopian / seeds only

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Travesti Camila Rodriquez

time goes, the days are, the hours are and still do not define what's wrong. Not discover why my moods and my sudden desire to leave everything. I still bank that " I understand and I " and hysteria with me every step I take since I started school. So things are as they walk, and pass as you can. In bad humor, cool, with sadness, anger or bliss, because I do not think I is another. And I do with all the emotions together and sometimes each of them as the star of every day. Ando
with reconciliations, other friendships strengthened and weakened. So I have a bit of everything. I have people who walk at their most susceptible, and only leaves you with the words in the mouth for the simple reason of its reaction to anything you can say, if total then longer to mourn and say that its life it sucks and is a victim of the world total and its environment. Then there's the people that I could reconcile, and that somehow makes me relax more ... and there it is, when your little list strikeouts a mental problem and you feel relief.
not see it as a grand entrance. And indeed I wrote a lot and erased without stopping. But I got tired, that's it. I wanted to say more but the inspiration was the wind and I was half full of ideas (lie, they went with the wind, I just hung up watching the Simpsons and the few ideas that I thought for this entry went to hell).

well on Wednesday, and having a good Thursday.