Friday, May 20, 2011

Should I Refrain From Work With Chest Infection

Unfortunately I am moving in less than a month, probably. No one knows exactly the neighborhood, you probably move me to a house in a neighborhood that borders the mine, where I live now. Given the circumstances at times wish anclarme to this house and this neighborhood and spit in mudanza.No know if because my neighborhood is the best or my house is the best, that's not necessarily. My neighbors are not the most educated and do not fall too well me nor I them, there is a non-noisy streets and quiet where you can hear some cars just happen from time to time ... for nothing is quite the opposite in fact. But this is my neighborhood. I live here since I have memory, basically. For my first year I do not remember, Call it so this is my neighborhood and is always where I lived all my young life. Here I went through a million things. I walked thousands of streets with my friends, sometimes to go buy something, or alone, with melancholy in me and wanting to relive old times on certain streets. On the streets of Paternal. Everything in these streets where I grew up, where I played, I walked, I fuck, I ran, I cried, and millions of other things. So ... How old is my aim to let go of this neighborhood? What need?
In fact, it is absurd that pointing a finger at my old whether or not the fault of all Conchucos not paying rent their homes around here. I'm not interested that no one wants to rent out or have not just houses or PH I do not care for me is to blame for all and hatred for all those who have rented a house here. I envy deeply and more insane.
addition, the sad and obvious that this is going to be away from the stage where I lived a million things. I will leave this house as cops although it has only room for me and my brother and one for my mother, and has a tiny kitchen and bathroom re brown super awful nauseating, is part of my life. At about having to distance sumémosle most of my friends, spend more money collectively to approach the neighborhood, having to adapt to another home, another neighborhood, neighbors, other streets, learn it and know transits, the baby take the new place and adopt it as home, shed all the bullshit good and bad here, cartonero that asshole, drunk who keeps bitching all the streets and traveling with her three or four dogs and his cart full of cardboard, having to leave behind the square where my afternoons were formed from my eleven years, Avenue where many pizadas and gave all that running, and, of course, be further from the school and travel to the banks tomorrow. Among other things, obviously. We will not give more reasons for Malena feels sad and melancholy, it gives.
Well, whatever ... this is not a good time. Not now. But for him having to be conscious that I have the days in this PH and probable and certainly in the neighborhood. College
again, and besides, new home and new neighborhood? Gives no idiot.

At last Friday madreee bitch! Have great weekend.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Signs Of Period Coming On

But do not feel easy, I feel that confusion is leaving, I feel that the cold becomes warm, and I do not see a way out of anything. I do not know exactly how to calm myself, and I understand. Not discovered how to give in to certain things, and I have no idea what the answer to my question. I do not make up my mind and still do not know what I feel. Crying is still a visit that comes without warning and usually sincere smile and sometimes just makeup. The mirror is still clear to me who my external reality and the words of others are still retains that my head for days. Keep that tangle of ideas and things that cause a bit of sadness. Memories remain from my memory I always spit in the face to remind me that everything is an irreversible change and I have to learn to deal with this for more rare that I feel.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Area Of Segment Of Circle

The shadow of the doorway

There are doors that once opened, can never close again.

we pretend are not there, move the bolt, before piling all that stuff happen to us, even sealed. But there is, as much as we want to convince us that there is only one wall, the awareness that there is a step, a path, an output or input. We are overlooking the other hand, we have glimpsed what we may be amazed, surprised or as scary, but we know that is real and it's there. Once that knowledge
installed in us, we can not deny it, only ocultárnoslo, rationalize it or lie. At worst, set ourselves up as guardians of something that does not belong, trying to let go others, when we see all too willing, the place to which we do not want or dare not go.

not even have to go through the door, if imposed on us much respect. It takes a special kind of courage to decide to stand. But you also have to be lucid enough to recognize that our decision is that the door is there, open. Or the shadow of the doorway, conditioning our lives more than we ever could have done the very threshold.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kate Grounds Real Name

Well, no, let's say I'm bored, tired and dormidísima. So I set out to write and I have nothing productive to do. And do not ask me to go to read the book of history or terminate the guest language, because I have no desire and a little know to read or read tomorrow in history is not going to be fine because the matter I do embolism, so do not do much. And it depresses me to know that tomorrow I have my first two hours with Romina, is the most boring. Step
tell you that I decided to eat less as of today. Beyond that I do not ever have faith with the topic of food and always end up failing in the attempt, I will continue trying to lose three kilos at least. Is that these days I much as others see me fat and I can not help but get the idea fixed in my mind that if you do not stop now I will not ever do. Well, yes, I am a bit paranoid, but it's like I do not look good, and I want to change that a bit. Although the doctor told me I'm fine with my weight, I'm not interested.

you do not know if they're going through, but to me almost every week for me are going super fast. The other day I thought well, and the next thing I knew it I was almost half of the year. So, do you understand? Things went very fast and I Aviv until the other day.
On one side is good, who knows. It's like I start the week and briefly came to Thursday at 23:46 pm and it's almost Friday, have you seen? As it is cool in a way. In addition, the school ... passed quickly and that, I suppose, is the most redeemable of this.

Anyway, I'm going. I have nothing more to say and still have not anything productive to hacer.Además, spent two hours since I wrote this and I never got to do the speaking. I'm a disaster.
Bye. While ending on Tuesday and have a nice Wednesday.

Friday, May 13, 2011

I Am Having Yellow Urine

I can definitely say it was (too) is worth not going to be late for school.
other words, things started badly for the last module that came and went in physical education, which took me away for not going "with the right clothes" when the two Conchuda never told that we would not have theoretical classes. And actually, in truth, the whole morning was a real shit.
Then when I got out of PE I decided that I sucked an egg choir, initiation and guitar. So I hooked the headphones, and went walking to get to my house and sleep mourn long time.
But today I was lucky and I met my friends from other schools. And although not planned, I went with them to the Mac Donals, I walked, I laughed, I fuck on the phone, I talked about everything, and ate pizza at five in the afternoon. And honestly ... long time since I felt so good, so calm, so comfortable and so happy. It was a relief and I felt like last year. I felt I was in seventh and that things were super easy, which on Friday was based on seeing my friends and not have to meet any mandatory time in the afternoon. I was back where I was, and well, I was carefree, I had forgotten about my concerns, the school, my own problems with me and the rest. Stating that attacked me at a time notalgia. But getting that, everything was perfect.
Ah, I happened to mention that I'm going to see Sum 41 and that makes me very well, jojo.
Have a nice Good Friday and the start of the weekend.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Naughty America Megaviedo

The future begins in this

Looking to the future is good. Allows us to hope and make plans, spurs us and teaches us to foresee the consequences of our actions. But it can also block us, when a prospective barely glimpsed event begins to take more time in our heads than it should, and we are so focused on what may come, we forget this, and sometimes even overlooked keys that can change drastically now expected

As a child I read a little story by an anonymous Greek who was about a farmer who, tired of his wife and daughters were hopelessly dumb, is going to see the world, only to eventually return to discover that the world had more people stupid than them. And all the nonsense that encotnraba on his journey had something in common: they were people who were unable to see the reality of what they had before, and was terrified and made decisions or looking foolish rebuscadísimas solutions to very simple to solve.

and set off, after a few hours came to another town and, as I passed a house, he saw a woman with a child's crib, and on the wall, an ax.
- my poor boy! "Moaned the woman. Killed by an ax ...!
- Why are you crying, my good woman? Asked the farmer.
- Can not you see that ax will fall over and kill my child? And I still ask why I cry!
- This is more silly than mine! "Said the farmer. What if you give me unless your son so sad fate?
- Everything you want ... my whole life if it's something ...!
The farmer picked up the crib and took her to the other end of the room saying
"Look, my good woman, there is no reason to cry ...
The distraught mother gave him a good amount of money in gratitude, and the man continued his journey.

How many times I feared the worst without being aware that if I could help it arches its to analyze the current situation without fear and to find the point where act, here and now? How many times we are stymied by a situation or a problem without realizing that the solution is within our mano?
El futuro es lo que hacemos, lo que vamos creando con nuestros actos: no es algo que temer, pero tampoco un indeterminado momento color de rosa donde por arte de magia todo será mucho mejor.
Nuestro futuro será el que nos construyamos, hagámoslo bien.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Women Vergina Gallery

hope on Monday that falls on a weekend, and it is completed.
take advantage of it, I did basically nothing. Nothing but sleep, watch TV, use the computer and tea. What kind of advantage this weekend is that? By god, I'm an idiot.
Anyway, today I get to walk on Sunday with who knows how much accumulated work all week and my depression prior to Monday, post-Saturday or whatever you call it. My anger at myself for not knowing as it should take the weekend and pass enclosed eating and doing nothing, practically growing up. So no, I have little to say except that, I'm an asshole to that missed the weekend of hands and is now looking desperate though he knows he must wait five days (a lie, it's still weekend but for me it is over).
Well, let's put that you're bored at home, perhaps task to do, and no one on msn (I mean when I say 'no' means 'no interest'), then as you went on Saturday thinking about how sad it is to step into the school and the materials and teachers fucking there, you got to talk about the shit that each subject in your school. But as I have no desire to enjoy myself writing about the repulsive it is to have a copy that is complete math or how boring it is to study for history or the time it takes you to a sheet of practical activities rather leave it for a day in which really feel that the only thing you can do is go into detail of everything they give me at school.
Chau, I'll do anything and have a bad time (Why such pessimism?).
Have nice Sunday.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Apcellular Respiration Questions And Answers

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fuel Consumption Generator

I say You Should Do It Differently, I dont n ecessarily agree. Stand up! Sit down! Be nice! Did ya hear me ask for your advice?
Dont bother t rying to tell me your Beliefs.
Dont want to, k now which way its good to be.  Do this!  Do that!  On track!  
Do me a favor and dont talk back !
Round and round, b ut the conversation always ends where it began .
Round and round, a nd I need a vacation .  My god,  Ive had it from you!
Shut up!   Dont want to hear your voice.
Shut up!   Im sick of all the noise.
Theres nothing you can say to me , s o get away from me .
S h u t u p !
Blah blah , blah blah , blah blah , blah blah .
Thats what i t sounds like you said to me.  You nag and you brag and I gag.
You must h ave better things that you can do.   What you want?  What I need?  Oh please!  I think you get off o n hearing yourself speak.
Dont want to be polite.  Its messed up .   How you always think you're right.
Theres nothing you can say , hats t gonna change the way I am.

Shut up!

Fake Community Service Signatures

naturally dead - live

are carved solitude in the woods
a tree trunk forgot your
a blackbird warm at night dreaming of freedom we

marks a remote time

crossed by the moon walk with the sun, the pace of its rebirth
and rivers start to the horizon where they hope and resist

are the future, the worst cuts of the past that nobody
quality distinguishes land
crying tired of so much banality
each one is a wolf struggling in the snow
to reach the heights of the mountain of greed

light differs when we reach the mills
when we forget how valuable this death
and we call the real names with a mouth full of fish

are leftovers, what is missing
the cry that echoes in the wind rushes
fallen utopian / seeds only

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Travesti Camila Rodriquez

time goes, the days are, the hours are and still do not define what's wrong. Not discover why my moods and my sudden desire to leave everything. I still bank that " I understand and I " and hysteria with me every step I take since I started school. So things are as they walk, and pass as you can. In bad humor, cool, with sadness, anger or bliss, because I do not think I is another. And I do with all the emotions together and sometimes each of them as the star of every day. Ando
with reconciliations, other friendships strengthened and weakened. So I have a bit of everything. I have people who walk at their most susceptible, and only leaves you with the words in the mouth for the simple reason of its reaction to anything you can say, if total then longer to mourn and say that its life it sucks and is a victim of the world total and its environment. Then there's the people that I could reconcile, and that somehow makes me relax more ... and there it is, when your little list strikeouts a mental problem and you feel relief.
not see it as a grand entrance. And indeed I wrote a lot and erased without stopping. But I got tired, that's it. I wanted to say more but the inspiration was the wind and I was half full of ideas (lie, they went with the wind, I just hung up watching the Simpsons and the few ideas that I thought for this entry went to hell).

well on Wednesday, and having a good Thursday.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Jc Penney Hair Salon Cost Of Perm

Never happened to go to a birthday party that was not really necessary to go? To those birthdays where you only for the birthday girl and encourages you to spend a few hours of pure piston only to accompany her on her day. Fulfill those where you feel like an ornament on the wall because you're almost as nonexistent. Those parties that become more boring for every minute that passes. Those parties that after a while you wonder just one thing:
What the hell am I doing here?
those nights a few short hours in which you spend sitting on a bench doing nothing while the very many eyes will sneak up to ridicule you feel inhuman for not being part of the group that leaves the dance floor move and shout and jump and sing, and socialize.
Okay, I went.
absolutely did not know anyone. Only two people I talk to little or nothing, basically. And the birthday girl, obviously.
Everything was out of boredom, since I arrived 45 minutes delayed until the time of withdrawal: everything is based on sit doing nothing, to pretend that sent messages, talking on the phone and she was worried about "my friend who spoke from the other side of the cell with concern and serious family issues" . Please, what kind of lie is that to link to anything? Somebody tell me because I do not know. Anyway, I invented the first thing that came to me as if to hide a little on my end plunger.
If I have to explain on what basis this night was only one thing on my phone writing bullshit like me eternal message to the friend who supposedly was wrong and needed my help urgently, and the telephone conversation that made her occasionally.
My first plan was to be in the bathroom most of the night with the phone playing Tetris, but, is it not going to give account? Several were knocking on the door waiting to get in, what I was going to be up all night in the bathroom? No sir, no. But it was the most he could in there, since no one I could look and say "Where the hell do you come from?". Equal, if not ask them, I was asking me every five minutes. I always wondered why I had decided to make a stupid decision, and found only one honest answer, true, and more obvious: the star of the night, had not seen for months and hoped to see me. Actually if it was not, would feel that failed, so I sacrificed for it, going to the salon with the hopes that my other friend was going to be as a companion for the night cops, and was to have someone with whom speak and would not necessarily lie.
I banque music to stick literally to the bottom, over the screams of the girls who put crazy for every song that was. Banque me look like an idiot and total cast in the group picture. Banque me being alone near the family as being strange. Banque me a lot. And now, it night proved a failure, I think that before going to the birthday of someone who has friends I do not know, I have to think and analyze previously.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dvd To Yamha Hdmi No Sound

Forward never a bad idea. Following is a mistake. Dreaming is insane, but insanity is beautiful. Desire is not a sin, unless forbidden (which is more fun). Mourn belongs to everyone. Being yourself himself.

was walking

Friday, April 22, 2011

How To Build An Rabbits Hut

[In other words] Canto XV

Ampáranos, Madre, para que sepamos mirar a nuestro alrededor y ver la belleza y la vida, y sepamos contagiar a los demás esa mirada de reverencia y maravilla.

¡Feliz Día de la Tierra!  


Sí, la noche sostenida en las grandes hojas espesas,
en las vines that slope down to the sewage, snakes and slow
haunted by the witches,
in highlights and fleeing blue puffs,
giving a brief shake the hidden flowers
gave you the ancient secret of my burning land. You touched
roots, stones and fruit
hugging trees, ran through swamps,
penetrate the caves, you hurt the armadillo,
resembling a cross-burnished breastplates,
lost in the shadows of the forest and the river . Dress
the early hours of warm rains
and heard the murmur of trees and animals that claim
land of eternal night
sometimes cries and screams and hoarse in Panther.
And you saw the outbreak of large seeds,
and the birth of the leaf and flower opening.
And spoke, surrounded by deer stunned:
"Ampárame, oh wonderful land!
be with you I loved your rocks
in the shadows have the faces of new gods.
I come from the ports, the dark houses, where the wind
January destroys poor children,
where the bread is no longer bread for men.
I come from war, tears and the cross.
Ampárame, oh wonderful land! "

Vicente Gerbasi

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cape Cod Bracelets In Ri

on the beach, was my family, who came from my mom.
My uncle, his wife, my cousin, my brother, my mother, my grandmother, my aunt and my godmother, who is another aunt.
all were installed and were fine. My godmother walked and was stable, renewed. We were all happy. Although I do not. I had set aside a little and started to walk on the beach, stirring the sand with my feet.

was time to wake up, and when next thing I knew I was lying on the mattress floor, sleeping, listening crying. I was woken up by degrees, and still unconscious, I asked my mom what happened. Tearfully confessed that her aunt died of cardiac arrest.
It was all confusing, it was like fog would not let me understand anything. The tears of my mother who listened and I tried to understand the situation.
I stopped, and I told my brother died aunt Sebastian. " Reacted late, and when did he went to the living room to comfort my mother. To me, my tears fell slowly. There I began to understand what happened, but was completely dazed and out of orbit.
The mood turned black and sad. And then I realized that Aunt Minga was gone. Today was his absence something eternal. He lived and resisted all he could, gave it all, and yet understanding that it was his time and that nothing else could be done, still hating his death, still wondering why just now, because everything at once, why could not dismiss as wanted, because my last image of her was in full according to an intensive care ventilator, because the last time I saw her lucid not remember me and just said "bye " as the last word.
What crazy life is, which leads people in the most unexpected moments. How sad ... I thought going to see her tomorrow, so they presumably had improved.
Anyway, now is the time and today it was. It was with family who adore her and people who have them in this memory forever. It was left many weeping over his absence and being loved by everyone. He fled, leaving all the best moments with her. It was Mark. And it was because it was his time. It was suffering, but it's over, it's better. His soul may be here, or elsewhere. Maybe you found
with my grandfather and now tight.

Thanks aunt, he lived some years that I knew you did not follow enough. But you know that beyond that, I wanted and I love you. I think I come from nothing came of it and assumed that maybe you would live another year at least. But good things better today, if you know it can happen tomorrow. Thanks for standing up and spoil forever. Thanks for being my sponsor no matter what. And forgive me for anything that has bothered me.
Today I know that the good times are in my mind and heart. I know the life I took from someone very important, but it was time, and I know that things happen, the end is unexpected and that you're in a better place.
I hope someday to meet you, you come back to visit my dreams and made it clear that you're okay, wherever you are.

09/01/1921 to 04/20/2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Southern Title Insurance Corp

time p to s to .

Sunday, April 17, 2011

External Drive To Sony Tv

I arrived at the hospital, without any feeling. He felt no sorrow, feel no fear, I think it was curiosity.
never before entered into intensive care. Never before have so close a relative of mine was in a coma medication. Anyway, I was, was my godmother, my aunt, the sister of my grandfather (God rest his soul).
I got to the second floor with nothing in my head. As in total lock without knowing what was actually being in a hospital going to visit someone in that state. But there's always a first time for everything, and today I was touched to know what was to be there surrounded by long faces, concern and depressing atmosphere typical hospital only gives you.
were two friends, some distant relatives as a means blood, my aunt, who is his niece, his sister, my other aunt, and well I arrived there, my uncle, my mother, my grandmother and my brother .
was entered in pairs. And I was the second in, along with my mother.
walked up to a big room full of beds, ventilators, drugs, more drugs, serum, and people in critical condition. An old man who was breathing very, very wrong, and I was saddened to see it. Visits and my aunt ... my aunt there, in one of the many stretchers, with the respirator, asleep. Not really reacted. He was in his, there where no one knew he saw, he felt or what I listened. I stood on the side and just stared at me. Without mourn, not to make something uglier then yet. My mom told him, I said some things. And I only knew pat your head and see where it was. Medicinal products, anything that involves being in therapy. Leaving
pretty fast. He did not speak up because I think I came out to say anything. Inside I was stunned. I could only say "bye aunt" when I went.
I stayed in the waiting room while the family came over.
thing I knew when my grandmother came out crying, leaned his head against the wall and caused me many tears out of eyes. That caused me a horrible feeling. Everything went black for the simple fact that my grandmother was extremely sensitive.
Everyone looked at some of consolation, I just went a little bit, I stood and wiped my tears as I could.
" figured I was going to be so, I figured, I thought that it was not .
Me wondering ... so strong was the image for her? Is the condition was so terrible? I was not aware, I'm not, I do not know shit about that topic. I know it's serious, but I figured that would cause that to my grandmother. Anyway, she is very sensitive, so I'm not so surprised.
After about twenty minutes stop hanging around the waiting room and came out looking like different families of different patients, my aunt told us that my godmother was the same, now would not do anything, but before was worse, and that a comparison of before now was better.
Well, that is to blink when my uncle spoke. That's something.
The truth is that I just came here with the need to write this. To thank you for reading, to ask forgiveness if I am a little bored. As I said in my previous post: I'm really hanging around.
Going back to previous ... I know my aunt is really great, has almost ninety years and has too much resistance. I do not know what will happen from here forward. I do not think negative, and avoids the issue. Not that I like to ignore such a problem, but I can not deal with some things.
Anyway, I just hope that my aunt to go ahead, and last, that whatever has to happen. I estimate that she lived well ...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Meralgia Paresthetica Accupuncture

We are used to bouquets, potted plants, gardens, shrubs and flowerbeds. For roses, carnations, lilies, chrysanthemums ... But there is another beauty that is shown in wild plants that manage to open their flowers every year, taking every drop of rain, every ray of sunshine. A beauty beyond the eyes, that speaks to our hearts with strength and determination, of the natural rhythms of life that beats in the womb of our Mother Earth, biding his time.

Because flowers that spring up spontaneously, the tiny flashes of light and color in the grass, or even in the gutters or left corner, is a gift from the spring that connects us with our own fresh blood, and reminds us that it is time that our own seeds also extend their shoots towards the sun ..

Monday, April 11, 2011

Best Street Racing Game Pc

I'm hanging with everything. With the world, with life, with everything around me. For me it is by the school and its millions of subjects drown me to task. Must be music, guitar, must be all, every subject, every test, practical work, and the pressure I feel. Must be the people there.
The post is a number I like the rising and falling rather drown in boiling water (very cruel, right?). The issue is that many take for me asshole, be aimed at someone who can tell you how cheap they were crossing guarangada, and receive several daily critiques. Mind you, I do not mean that the school is based on banks to a string of assholes commenting and criticizing, but largely, some days are as follows: the end the best side of sunrise for several idiots.
There is everything in high school, from what I saw. There is everything in every way. Find people mature and fully inamdura people. Crazy people, disoriented people, cool folks, people idiot. I do not know much. And if I have to say no more term.
number of these people manage to make the school environment a really nice, but more so shit, inevitably, shit heartily as they can. Is it intent? Ask them. Les
I bore you with this school. Even I am bored all based on the school recently. But there is not much more. That surrounds me, basically. And I can not make much sense to have things my family because I was more bitter than ever.
'd love to have time to write often as before, to inspire easy, and all that, but I very complicated.
Anyway, have a nice week.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


instructions to walk a dog sleep

walk to
dog, requires almost as much attention as driving a car, should know from the start. Eyes open, senses attentive to everything happening around them. Must leave the body loose, willing to follow the movements of your pet, both feet firmly planted on the ground and bring comfortable shoes.

Once and biased, go to the belt and shake gently to the subject in question approach. Put your arm through his belly, holding, and containing their sudden movements, for the happiness we feel to see that come out for a walk, Buckle the collar. Ensure before leaving two or three times that of the buckle is secure. Attach the strap to the collar and loop it around your wrist, to better resist pulling escape without being together.

out of your apartment. If you choose to go down the stairs, do it at a trot, and your puppy will come down to pure breaks down and will roll if it is their speed. Go together to the street. A mere step on the first tile, feel the cool air hitting her face, a result of the clean the canine. Walk light, alternating with little jump to reach it, always with outstretched arm as far as possible. Every five steps look both ways, forward and backward, alerting the presence of another animal. (If any currency, raise a pet and coal for the opposite side, are in danger.) Also should not let it take by mouth thrown objects like bones or tissue, for which it must give a short but firm tug, bringing the dog for himself. The same if you tried to cross the street while cars pass. When you notice that smells strongly the ground and spins in place, similar to when chasing its tail, stop and wait watching some horizon, your pet is to urinate or defecate. The ride has come to an end.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tattoos For Male Pubic Area

Give me some of your light, I'm blind.

Chicago Brazilian Wax Erection

I want to be brief about this: school sucks. I think what makes people shit. I do not think the environment is malo.No know if it's because everyone is in a state of incredible idiots, if by age or if the problem is me. Whatnot. There are millions of possibilities not even want to think or write, or anything.
Let the concrete: I hate the attitude of the vast majority of people entering the hall at recess, the people that is my division, the people who are from other divisions. I'm tired of every aspect of them.
not want to pretend that I'm full of, like, hate, anger, bitterness, that I am a-wave, but the truth is not pleasant to enter college expecting that no one criticizes you, do not have to bancarte the classroom and thought that at the end of the day to say "what a good day."
Well, now I spend wishing to trace the primary, being with people who really understand my attitude, people who are sincere and that I put aside for the world. I got tired of the superficial half of the known I have in that school.
really is depressing. It's ugly to see you stop this kind of situation wondering how the hell is that people thought was the best in the world and it would be extremely happy in every way possible there adentro.Sí, now that I analyze it, it sounds too ridiculous and I completely retract that thought. And I apologize to myself for having excited that things would be perfect and I would feel accepted. Ja ja ja, accepted ... if I had seen that day as I am now, I would say just the opposite.
to see, I'm a lost soul, live not sunk in suffering, but the feeling that nothing is going to do well in school every time you come there is not good, you know? Then things I do not deal biennial and most of the time, if you see me in the Esnaola, you can see me in bad mood, sleep, quietly, like a girl without wanting to live. But no, I do not want to die. I just wanted to change and change them a little.
Nobody is perfect, but why do they have to abuse that fact and crticarte the best way just because they are perfect, right?

Well, dear fans of my heart (?), Have a great Monday.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Syphilis Tongue Kissing

extremely bloody day in which only want to send the crap life and people as well. Day that I was criticized from head to toe and tried not to cry more than once. Shitty day, basically. In these days when you just want to get home to bed, listen to music and falling asleep.
If I have to tell you the reasons why this day does not qualify as a normal day, at least, is the following:
1 - Things started badly when the pelotudito my partner who is totally stupid and immature was given by criticizing me and my friend saying "we earmarks of being the most Mughals salon . " Já, dear, with the word fuck mongolism not, and better reservata your comments, pelotudito, nobody needs them. After boasting that it happened "in his days primary lanyards were supplemented with no fat and bespectacled, ugly that nobody wanted ... the losers." That sounds like a stereotype of American film. I say this because the popular named.
Well, dear, if you like so much of popular ideology and the loser, which is so typical of movies Yankees, do me the favor of leaving the U.S., join this group to a these films and stay there with those groups well defined and you assholes that only you can name here in Argentina. Because I'd make a great favor and it would be a relief to not have in my classroom.
2 - The act of the college was embolante when the songs started to lengthen. Because, really love the acts of the school, are great, as the students play songs related to the date and sing, and such bullshit. But the songs were long and stood among several people, heat, and that's fucked up, you know?
3 - Finish the happy event and I want to buy a juice kiosk ... the problem? Physical education. If Conchuda teacher will not be shit, QUAD I want to buy a juice, because I shit hot and I held my fifty minutes you're not able to wait two minutes of shit. If, after all, when I entered the room, I banque theorist of all kinds and embolante it is to be with her ass in the chair for a whole hour counting the minutes left to go, bancándote to you and the other. On or even that I went in and were explaining or whatever, but they were talking bullshit or doing something on the desktop. But tell me fish-faced assholes, fuck what it cost you if you wait about two minutes after all were in full bally with the other?
4 - No sooner are 13:15, I leave the school waiting for the group that took a while. When I want to realize they were and 30, and in two miutes had to eat, drink and run out to stop back to school. So I bought a seven up and when I tried to open me and I clinginess enchastré all full, and also my friend, and the floor of your home. So yes, I went to school with half the soil wet pants and stuck together. A divinura, I know.
5 - Make chorus with Professor Zanotta is torture: the relaxation exercises require than stand up straight, and Loosen muscles and other body parts. In fact it should be a little longer because the teacher always challenging to some, corrected to twenty, and there we would spend doing relaxation and breathing, and also hear speeches from the muscles, lungs, and then goes around the bush and say anything. It also has a wave of shit, humor sunrise. No sorpota or laughter, and sometimes even disrespectful. And if we have to summarize in a few words: a Conchuda.
6 - As if that's the chorus was not enough, Ladies and gentlemen, today I will talk about the asshole of my musical language teacher who keeps asking me to go to piazarrón, I asked to speak in front of everyone, always strikes me when I come down to look for three seconds, and is boludo itself. So each class with him is crap and a reason to want to leave corriedo there and go home.
Well, this happened only at that time, but I also had one of my supposed new friends, or if you remain silent and saying something that does not bore me ... Okay darling, let me tell you one thing: if I endure the morning, you can support me in the afternoon. If "you like me" do not stand a hypocrite and then tell me you can not stand my voice. And you You keep talking and bards, so before you talk about me, stupid shit, you calm down a touch, "dale? For me I can not say anything, but you do, of course ... yes, chupala.
addition that sat beside me jodiéndome passed and I kept writing because I wanted to read what ponía.Flaco .. pri-va-ci-ing, I know if you have no idea what that is.
Oh, and hey, after I compare the rest that goes with me, my friend, and who spend criticizing.
Well, I wanted to mourn the rage in several Sometimes I went out a few tears, but tried to hide and no one noticed.
Yes, a shit day really worthy of being completed now, or it sometimes rato.Pero day is long, and generally extends more if a bad day. But I got home and ate, but the head hurts, I began to write and I broke a little, and nothing, I feel a little better. But the anguish is present even when I calm down, fatigue and my desire is to go away sometimes appear followed screwed.
I'm not too well, I can not lie. But hey, things might improve, or maybe not. Who knows?
Anyway, I hope you have found had a great day, and I hope you have a good weekend. Use of it!

Hyatt Lamps Spare Shades

Silvestre [In other words] Sonnet

Because we have to move forward, even if you do not know where you go.


No, not ever wake
to live your dream because the dream is a journey beyond oblivion.
Your foot is always stronger after falling.
just big on life who knows how to be small.

Love comes and goes like a pain laughing,
like a dry branch which sprouts a nest. Just
something of yours who has lost everything.
Nobody owns anything without being your own master.

Life will be yours if you know that is foreign, which is equal
mountain is to be a grain of sand,
and that sometimes less is better than most;

And you know, finally, weary traveler, that
Time is a growing way forward
while erasing, slowly, backwards.

José Ángel Buesa

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Enhancing Growth Of A Calamansi Plant

Things at school are as always: I'm barbaric at times, and other really bad for comment. Vivo tired and try to sleep whenever I have five or ten minutes to spare. Although it is a failed, obviously. But hey, is part of high school, I reckon I am. And now I notice the difference in demand between the secular and the primary. Still, I get used to, and did not sack any teacher because of not wanting sanctions or any teacher I have checked.
And if I have to talk about something else, I can go to tell you that (in my opinion) sent me the shit you tell someone something in your photo. I feel super asshole. I think it's just knowing he is not interested at all my comments and that basically there is not much for him, and I am your past. Anyway, I took a chance, I do not know how. I broke my rule of "no show despair, sadness or need me I once went wrong" and I put "what fachero." Why? Because in that picture came out beautiful and it is too. The worst thing is that it really is and most of them. So you can imagine that no, will interest my comment. But hey, do not know, nothing ventured nothing gained. I'll take that sentence and have to be what has to be. If after all, comment and be honest not a sin. Bah, I dunno. And if I were, I do not care, frankly.
I have not a high level of inspiration, I have no desire to absolutely nothing, and the truth is that people sometimes fills me patience, and ultimately do more seguido.No many intolerant know if I am, or if people are really very boluda.

Seize which fortunately does not take much to be done the week.
that ends well and good on Thursday, beautiful people!

Monday, March 28, 2011

What Happend With Kelly Family

Walker salesmen or cure

We spend our lives pretending that we know and appreciate others, and as we never get at all that people see clearly what we think of ourselves, just putting our hopes for the future, hoping that someday find someone who understands, who knows how we think and why we act, we never know misunderstand and take time when needed. A person who is aware of our weaknesses but not explode, you know how painful the wounds that life has brought us and cover them with exquisite care and silk bandages, so that healing go alone, without being seen.

And as usual, what we want is not what we need. Because our friends (and our spouses) are not to read us the mind and act exactly as we would like to do so, in the most comfortable and enjoyable for ourselves. Often clean the wound, although it hurts to remove the dirt and disinfect it, even though the alcohol sting, we help heal much better than the softer more caring bandages and pampering.

If we want to understand, let's try to explain. If we want to know, let's try to treat others without warning or suspicion, and accept criticism when we receive them instead of blaming the incomprehension of others. A friend is no less a friend for not knowing what's wrong or how to fix it without tell him. Or give you bad news, open your eyes, tell you what I do not want to hear, or even, sometimes, cause you pain.
People are not puppets magically appear only when needed and do only what we prefer to do. Sometimes what more we can help requires an effort that seems excessive, or requires us to give up things they cherish. Sometimes help is needed to deal with things we would rather ignore.

Sometimes you do not need to put bandages but take away, let the wound air out and the skin is stronger. And then, when to pull, when it touches your teeth and start tightening the crust, when you understand what friends are for.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tooth Whitening Blisters

Empty of ideas, tired of being a Sunday and not wanting to go to the doctor tomorrow. Media angry, but I'm not sure why. I think the air on Sunday, me bitter to me and several other people too.
Things are as always, every day is the same, and I was bored. Every day I keep most things but not required and is always all the same. So I'm not sure what to talk.
My idea was to talk about how ridiculous it is that people will say "Copat and says 'I like' in my profile picture," because I find them totally desperate to reach the ten 'I like'. But no, I do not know me repented and erased what little he had written for them not going to like me to make an entry dedicated to it.
And since when I write what you want? I do not know, never in reality. But I do not know, maybe I would even like my own entry, so do not I spent.
also wanted to complain about the odious it is to know that tomorrow I have to go to school. Say, four days without school and have to go back, what bullshit.
opened a world of memories when I wanted to go "chat history" and I realized as time passes. Of those feelings were anchored at the time and I missed few smiles to read all the stories January February.
Anyway, I grabbed the usual nostalgia and Sunday slump makes me want to be Friday.

Have a great Monday, and I hope they pass quickly the week, I say, so they can rest. re

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Birthday Card 18 Year Old

I rested, because I slept two hours of nap. So, as I do not know what to do, I'm going to start writing ...
First of all, I hated going to school in the rain, I hated it. Why I do not know if I wet my hair and was uglier than normal, or because it might cause the act and did not lose time, or because when it rains it's best to stay in bed like crazy eating or sleeping well covered up the nose. Still, it could have been worse, so I'm not complaining.

Second, we met a month since Paramore came to Argentina, and the only reason, I started to mourn yesterday while listening to "Where the lines overlap .

What downturn that gripped me. I'm dying to see them again .
Third, nothing I do not know, I'm tired, very little improvement, I have bipolar constant attacks.
Ah! And tomorrow I see my friends, oh yeah. I miss them too.
Well, I dunno, but nothing came to summarize my day because right now I have nothing better to do. So I guess in a while I go to bed watching TV and drinking coffee or tea, or something, I dunno.

[ Day memory.
That never forget, that not return to happen. ]

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Text Seasons Greetings

Something is happening Chezzz

.... If you are losing the written level, I know.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sneezing Soon After Getting Up Morning

're inside me and out I do not know where you left off.

Tokio Hotel Knitting Patterns

I am very tired. And all eh?, Everything. If you need
elementary my friends, to get up early, being in the computed without knowing what the hell do you have to go to school, to banking Conchuda language, and practical act of English, acordame having several things, not having time to myself, being sleepy at all times of the week, the hours that the school was slow to pass me, the master of musical language, for me, being so hung , to be so bipolar, to feel empty. Nothing, I do not know, everything. Like I have wanted to disconnect a touch of the world. I feel very numb to everything.
I do not know if it's the fresh air from high school, and all new materials, or the simple fact that I am well and an overnight I got tired of everything, or the routine of shit I'll have to play every day of my life.
Well, never mind. Maybe better or maybe not. Maybe it is temporary or may last me six months or year-round. Whatnot.
swear I would love to raise a few things today. I really do not know exactly how to do it ...
I feel bad for one of my closest friends. It seems that my best friend, who is your best friend is making you very ill and I understand perfectly because at some not too distant past I spent something like that, and it is not pretty. And I would love to be with him, embrace him and help him.
'm wrong sometimes, often. I have a great day and night long to mourn as the best. And it sucks that I do not help anything.

Actually, I raise a million things, but do not want to bore you, well, I do not like I'm writing.

Whatever. che Have nice week.

Instan Lock License 2010

Though you can see, just think of you.

If you say you love my lips playing with words that are repeated and believe it is a game that seems to have little credibility, you're wrong in thinking that if I repeat something is just to tell you something nice. Not so, there are many things you can say but poque avoid saying anything that basically what you want to scream, does not make sense I think, if I love you I love you. No reason to olcultarte that although can not see you, just think of you.
Every way that I can to tell you I love you, do not forget to do so, forgive me if I get you tired, because love is not much that you change me and to maybe rescue a world where many values \u200b\u200bwere still head but still in it, only now it is different because you're beside me.
understand if you remain silent, you may not know it, your eyes betray your feelings and prevent arms drop from my hands before, it is not easy for me to live with a conclusion of your love, not this bad or not ask you to do more for me. This is a test for both from Japan will be provided in communication with you. I will miss you but will only be one week. I am already reached tkm ...
That shit is happening ... is not the same.

Wednesday March 9, 2011

Cotinine Test In India

Wandering in circles Hitting bottom

Sometimes we have to walk far to return to the starting point, and run hard to stay on the site. And when we realize the steps that we thought we were moving away brings us to the door we thought we had closed behind us. And we understand that we never entirely through that door, we're just around it.

The road may have been exhausting, yet have led us to where we were. That's not to say that it was time and wasted effort, because in the meantime we have learned many things that we can not yet be aware, and least one lesson and not forget: you can not move forward without change, without leaving things behind, without having crossed the threshold, knowingly or unawares. Can not get far if we remain the same.

does not even know exactly where to go. But to walk certain paths requires more than putting one foot before the other or follow the footsteps of those before us. Requires a willingness and a totally committed effort. This is not to make a cross on a map and follow the straightest line to reach it without paying attention to anything that is not our goal. It is not looking for someone to take her hand and take us away from the rocks so they do not stumble with them. This is not to get carried away by each gust of wind and change direction every time something surprising or dazzle us, or running after mirages that appear promising golden dreams within our hand but as long as the cords are a little further. The important thing is that this road is personal. it our way, with all its turns and its crossroads.

And if these riots will lead back to the door you thought your back, do not fret, and understand that maybe you needed something you learned in your wanderings to have the strength and courage to cross.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Confiscated Provisional License

Cold chills me, invetiblamente, but somehow I'm warm inside. My feet are bare and my desire to follow are defeated by vague that never left my body. And the fear of being who I want and not be without stability and support.
I long to find that I lost and I left a huge void. So I close my eyes and I rise up hooked on a cloud. A cloud of gray rather gives me a bad feeling.
I enter a world in which stories are mixed and I do not recognize anyone. But I'm still up, and I still seek. I am looking with glazed eyes and a feeling of suffocation and despair enormous. Soon, my eyes fancied that girl struggled walking down the main street. That he had looked worried and was observed by the rest. With coffee in hand and warm up your neck, keep running and occasionally spits out a "sorry" to push people did both. After walking several blocks ended sitting on the floor of a ghost village in which the only sound was the cry that seemed to be eternal. His face was frozen but his tears moistened completely. All her pain is reflected in her tears.
it just needed to know that I lost, inevitably the day I ran from my house just to mourn quietly. The vacuum of my life is for you and who complements me now disappeared.
And frankly, I'm in free fall into nothingness. I feel ready to mourn an entire ocean. I feel as empty as ever. I sit on the edge of the abyss without a hand that I hold or voice and words that encourage me to continue to walk strong and balanced. I have no voice or energy. I have no desire and I ran out of hope. Reset my smile and I am as insignificant as it used to be before I met you.