Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Guys Have You Ever Masterbated With A Pet ?

Que algo sea un fenómeno natural y explicable, no quiere decir que no pueda ser mágico.

Mucha gente trata de relegar la espiritualidad a los "huecos", a los grandes misterios de la vida y el universo que la ciencia no puede explicar, como si fuera una muleta en la que apoyarse. Pero el sentimiento de lo sagrado nace de la reverencia y el asombro, y ambas cosas no disminuyen porque sepamos exactamente cómo ocurren las cosas. A veces, incluso, The know not only increases our wonder.

All cultures and mythologies have watched with fascination natural phenomena, and have created myths about them.
If light and darkness are powerful in themselves, what about the wonder of color across the sky? The sign of the covenant of peace between the Creator and man, the messenger of the Gods, "running over the wet wind," Bifrost Bridge that connects the worlds of Midgard and Asgard, the snake's color Dreamtime ... the rainbow is a limit, a threshold, between the sun and rain. You can only appreciate it when the conditions are precise and even if you try to approach, never reach it. No wonder it was always considered an omen, good or bad, but incredibly powerful.

In addition, the rainbow helped us learn to better understand the world around us and the nature of light. Thanks, among other things, that signal in the sky, the men never left wondering about the relationship between light and color, by optical phenomena and the way we perceive, by the very essence of reality and meaning.

do not need a pot of gold buried in the end. Chasing the rainbow made us wiser, but also more humble, more children, and as a species, richer.

Photos taken on January 22 from my window.


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