What main character, is not it, the mothers of one. One of those that just think about them, we are excited. Who began to build our identity, history, memory and even I try to deploy, since the beginning of our existence. Who is shaping our personality, rather than the environment and then with him. Much material of psychoanalysis in this. Surely, in the case of women, we seizing the first things our gender them looking at them. And that is a legacy and a commitment to the daughters, which can sometimes outweigh the account. What's amazing to think that my mom was from the outset, never escaped even a day, until today, paying attention. Every morning when I woke up, she was the only one who was in my house, I called her screaming, "Mommy" strong, to come and give me a good day. When it came to my room, I hid under the covers to have to get me, or wake up if I pretended to stay asleep. When we meet we took a big hug, happy. I was tickled, and I moved his legs as if I did gymnastics. One day I was very busy with her work, she had noticed that I woke up. So I always wanted to draw your attention, I took a picture of me in the kitchen, so to see her realize that he was raised. My mom has always been a great cook, but we are few people who enjoy this privilege. I loved taking a seat in the place where he was cooking, my knees to be higher and help. The smell of dough, I loved it. Repulgue also make the cakes or pies, just like it to come out. When it came to the garden, reproducing all that my mother was at home, or in baking course. Even playing to be the host of "UtilĂsima" telling the rest of the steps. At that time, she wrote poetry, anecdotes. Always wanted to read her black doily. Today, whenever he reads my writing, I said I left her, for the love of writing. The truth is that my mother and I seem much more than my consciousness agrees, and that scares me a lot. Another small thing I did with my mom, was her to the hairdresser Zule. At that time, was well set to 80s. All mirrors, formed a circle, with different spaces for customers to sit. I loved everything that went on there except wait to be served. Something that never changed. Girl wanted to have curls, so, what most struck me was a rubber cables that were used to make permanent curls. But a giant, not like my mom was tiny. Additionally, she was always reflections, therefore, made him a hat Zule white latex, and a tweezers, pulling would strand by strand through the rubber. See it with that in mind, it seemed very funny. My mom Sandra is a fan of adornitos, have them of all kinds. The ones I liked were a mini wind-operated appliances. I had a blender, a toaster, a polisher ... all in miniature. She operated from before I was born, so which always drove me everywhere, in the sky Fitito. Car trips I remember most is the return to the garden, often with the Aba, or when the three went to the grocery store or buy meat Victor Bernabe. The most fun trip we made was one that she was going with all the window down, and I in my back seat, I pull the window some elements of the manicure he kept in a leather estuchecito. She was very angry, and asked me not to throw any more. Of course while I was killing me from laughing, and hair flying because I made a lot of wind. Another great constant between my mother and I by that time, the noodles were "Don Vicente "before going into the garden and the puppets Pin and Pon I bought. But the best, best of all was when we went to visit the home of Aba and Zaide, and that was something that happened every day.
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